What should you do if you want to repair family relationships? Come from an honest space. Be ready, Don't hesitate. Start Self-healing process. Pour it out through writing first if you are not ready to talk to your loved ones yet.
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Thank you for tuning in to another holistic conversation on Ed Talks Daily with Reginald A. Howard, Reg uses his life experiences to ignite, inspire and empower others. Rather it’s through his paradigm shifting book, his emotionally connecting speeches or his mentally healing podcast, Black Mental Health Podcast Reg is here to serve and help people live their legendary life.
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We discuss the following:
The struggle is important part of achieving success
Why is it so Important to be authentic?
How important is it to share your true authenticity and how does effect mental wellness?
How can you can get people to open up during day-to-day conversations?
Why is important to ask someone how they are really doing?
How important is it to monitor your inner conversation?
What is the definition of self-care and what does that consist of?
What are the signs that tells you that you’re good ?
Why changing your thoughts, will change your life.
Writing a Book: Suffering to Success: A paradigm shift to Achieve Happiness
The Struggle to Rebuilding a Relationship with my Father
When did it hit you that your past was affecting your ability to forgive in the present?
What should you do if you want to repair family relationships?
What is your morning routine?
Why is journaling important?
“Let go some of the mental baggages you’re holding through the ink that you write in your journal”
If you were to die, what do you want the word to say about you?
He Actually Cared
Reginald’s Last Message
“You shouldn’t feel alone in a room full of people”