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Oct. 12, 2024

Being Pulled Back to Launch Further: Facing the Giants in Your Life

Being Pulled Back to Launch Further: Facing the Giants in Your Life

Sometimes, you feel stuck, don’t you? Like life keeps pulling you back when all you want to do is move forward. I’ve been there too. But here’s the truth: God often pulls us back not to hold us down but to launch us even further than we imagined. Just like David had to face Goliath, we all encounter giants that challenge our faith, our patience, and our calling. These giants show up to refine us, not to defeat us. This article dives deep into how God uses setbacks as preparation for promotion—and how you can walk boldly in faith toward the victory He has already planned for you.

Pruning for Growth

When you ask God for more, He doesn’t always give you extra fruit right away. Instead, He prunes. He removes old branches—those beliefs, habits, and relationships that no longer serve the vision He’s placed in your heart.

If you’ve been asking God for better health, He’ll start pruning away old eating habits. If you ask for financial breakthrough, He may challenge your mindset around money. And if you ask for restoration, He might pull you through seasons of isolation so you learn to let go of old hurts and patterns.

"The power of pruning isn’t to punish you—it’s to prepare you." Just as David learned in his shepherd season, God is refining you for the next step in your calling. Don’t resist it; embrace it.

Using Your Shepherd’s Tools in a New Season

When David stepped onto the battlefield to face Goliath, Saul tried to fit him into armor that didn’t belong to him (1 Samuel 17:38-39). But David knew that the tools he had honed in his shepherd season—the sling and stones—were exactly what he needed for victory.

This is a word for someone: Stop trying to fight your battle using someone else’s armor. The gifts God developed in you during your preparation season are the same gifts He’ll use to propel you into your kingship.

It’s time to pull out the “stones” from your shepherd bag—those lessons, experiences, and skills that you gained while tending the flock—and use them in this season to slay your giants.

Facing the Giants of Life

Your giants could look like fear, self-doubt, financial struggles, or even toxic relationships. But just like David, you have to confront them head-on with faith. "The battle isn’t yours—it’s the Lord’s." (1 Samuel 17:47)

Sometimes, these giants show up in the form of people questioning your calling or doubting your abilities. Even David’s brother questioned why he left the sheep to come to the battlefield (1 Samuel 17:28). But David didn’t let doubt stop him. He knew his heart was right with God, and that was enough.

Remember, the enemy wants to use these giants to keep you from stepping into your purpose. But just as Goliath fell to David’s stone, the giants in your life will fall when you walk in faith and obedience. The very thing the enemy uses to try to stop you will become the weapon God uses to give you victory.

Walk Boldly into Your Kingship

This season isn’t just about getting through—it’s about stepping into the fullness of your calling. God is pulling you back like a slingshot so He can launch you further than ever before. Don’t get discouraged if not everyone can come with you. Some people are meant to be part of your journey only for a season.

As I’ve learned in my walk, "You can’t dim your light to make others comfortable. Shine bright, and let them adjust their lens." Not everyone will see the vision God gave you, but that doesn’t mean you stop moving forward. Keep walking, keep growing, and keep trusting that God’s anointing is guiding your every step.

Conclusion: Keep Moving Forward in Faith

No matter where you are right now, know that God is working everything out for your good. He is pulling you back to refine you, to prune you, and to equip you for the next chapter. "Don’t fear the pullback—it’s just setting you up for a greater launch."

Take heart in knowing that every trial, every setback, and every challenge is part of God’s plan to make you into who He created you to be. Like David, you have everything you need within you to defeat the giants in your life.

"The battle belongs to the Lord, and victory is already yours." Walk boldly into your calling, knowing that God is with you every step of the way.


  • I embrace the pruning process, knowing it prepares me for growth.
  • I walk boldly, using the gifts God has developed in me.
  • The battle belongs to the Lord, and I step forward in faith.


Heavenly Father, I thank You for the pruning and preparation You are doing in my life. Help me to trust Your timing and not grow weary in the process. Give me the courage to face the giants that stand in my way, knowing that victory is already mine through You. I walk boldly into the future You have prepared for me, holding on to Your promises and trusting in Your strength. Amen.

This is your season to step forward, my friends. Keep your eyes on the Lord, trust the process, and walk boldly into what He has called you to do. You’ve been pulled back—but only so you can go further.