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Sept. 21, 2024

Breaking Generational Chains and Unlocking Freedom through Prayer and Fasting

Breaking Generational Chains and Unlocking Freedom through Prayer and Fasting

Hey there! Thank you for coming back to my blog. Today, I want to talk about something that’s been heavy on my heart: breaking generational chains and unlocking epigenetic freedom through the power of Christ. This isn’t just a buzzword or some feel-good message. It’s real, and it’s life-changing. When I say "breaking chains," I’m talking about breaking the strongholds in your life that have been passed down through generations—whether it's trauma, sin, or even certain habits that seem impossible to shake.

See, a lot of people don’t understand that the traumas from your childhood, your parents' sins, your grandparents' sins, or even sins committed against you, can actually structure themselves in your DNA. Yes, that’s real. It’s not just spiritual—it’s also scientific. Epigenetics teaches us that experiences and environments shape how our genes are expressed. So when God breaks those chains, He’s not just breaking spiritual strongholds; He’s changing your very DNA. That’s why when you see deliverance, healing happens on all levels—spirit, soul, and body.

You Are the Generational Chain Breaker

Now, I know this might feel overwhelming. You might be thinking, "How can I break chains that have been holding my family down for generations?" But let me tell you this: you are a generational chain breaker. You didn’t come this far by accident. You were born to be the one in your family that God uses to change the narrative, to break the cycles of sin, poverty, sickness, and emotional pain.

And here’s something even deeper: You might be carrying the consequences of sins you didn’t even commit. Like David in the Bible, whose sin with Bathsheba led to turmoil in his family for generations, the consequences of past actions often trickle down into future generations. But here's the good news: Just like David repented and God restored his family, you have the power to break those chains, to repent, and to shift your entire lineage.

It’s Time to Fast, Pray, and Intercede

Now, you might be thinking, “How do I break these chains? What does it take?” Here’s the key: Fasting, praying, and interceding. Listen, this is a different level of spiritual warfare. Affirmations and healthy habits are great, but there’s a level of breakthrough that only comes when you humble yourself before God and consecrate your life through fasting and prayer.

This is more than just a fight of willpower—it’s a spiritual battle. There are demonic influences attached to those traumas, and they need to be broken in the spirit realm. When you fast, you’re not just abstaining from food; you’re declaring war against the enemy. You’re saying, “This chain ends with me.” When you pray, you’re inviting God to step into the battle and break the strongholds in your family’s lineage.

The Fruit of the Spirit Is Greater Than the Works of the Flesh

One of the powerful things God does when He breaks these chains is that He replaces them with something far better—the fruit of the Spirit. When you’re no longer under the stronghold of the enemy, you become chained to God’s love, peace, and joy. And trust me, His yoke is light and brings true freedom.

I know that stepping into this process can feel daunting. It’s not easy to face the chains of generational trauma, sin, or pain. But wouldn’t you rather be free? Wouldn’t you rather know that after you, things will never be the same again in your family? You were born to be the Solomon of your family, the one who builds a new legacy under God’s guidance.

What’s on the Other Side of Prayer and Fasting?

When we enter into seasons of deep prayer and fasting, there is a powerful shift that takes place. It’s not just about denying yourself food or worldly pleasures—it's about humbling yourself before God and seeking His presence in your life. On the other side of prayer and fasting is breakthrough, freedom, and transformation.

You may feel chains breaking, not just in your mind and habits, but in the spirit. You might find healing in areas where pain and trauma have resided for years. Through prayer and fasting, God will not only answer the desires of your heart but He will also start planting new seeds in your life—seeds that bear the fruit of the Spirit. These new seeds will lead to a season of blessings and favor, and the breakthroughs you’ve been longing for will finally come to pass.

What’s on the other side of prayer and fasting? It’s freedom from generational strongholds, healing in your body, renewal in your mind, and a deeper intimacy with Christ. If you are willing to step into this spiritual discipline, God is ready to move powerfully in your life. He will plant new seeds that will flourish in ways you never imagined, and your life will bear witness to His glory.

So, what’s holding you back? Now is the time to press in, seek God, and experience the breakthrough He has waiting for you.



  1. Breaking Generational Chains:
    • Trauma, sins, and strongholds can be passed down through generations. These are not just psychological or emotional patterns but spiritual chains.
    • Epigenetics explains how our environment and experiences affect gene expression, but spiritually, generational chains are strongholds that manifest through behaviors, habits, and illnesses.
    • When God breaks chains, He doesn’t just break them spiritually, He changes your very DNA. Healing in the spirit can manifest as healing in the body.
  2. The Story of David and Bathsheba:
    • The sins of David didn’t just affect him but his children and future generations. The consequence of sin can create generational turmoil. But God still showed grace.
    • David repented and fasted, showing the importance of repentance as the key to grace and restoration. However, the consequences still followed, teaching that sin has both spiritual and physical consequences.
  3. How Chains Manifest in the Spirit and the Flesh:
    • Chains can appear as emotional states, habits, and even sicknesses.
    • Generational chains of anger, lust, or addiction are passed down, and breaking them requires more than therapy or willpower. You need prayer, intercession, and fasting.
  4. Importance of Prayer, Intercession, and Fasting:
    • Breaking chains isn’t done by affirmations alone or just healthy habits—it must be done through prayer and fasting, which have the power to break strongholds in the spiritual realm.
    • Ed speaks about consecration—setting yourself apart for God, humbling yourself before Him, and seeking His help through fasting and prayer.
    • This isn’t about doing things by human strength but letting God intervene supernaturally.
  5. Yokes and Strongholds:
    • The yoke of the enemy is broken through the Holy Spirit. Once God breaks that yoke, He puts His yoke on us, which leads to freedom.
    • The yoke of God is not burdensome but a source of life and freedom. When God’s yoke is upon us, we find rest and peace.
  6. Breaking Free from Demonic Influences:
    • Demonic influence can enter through trauma, sin, or generational curses. Sexual sin, in particular, is a portal that opens individuals to spiritual bondage.
    • The importance of self-control, closing portals, and not giving room to the enemy in areas like lust, substance abuse, and bad habits.
    • Ed says, “You have to close certain doors, certain browsers, and certain habits in your life to truly break free.”
  7. A Word for the Coming Season:
    • Ed mentions that this upcoming season is a time for deliverance, where God will break strongholds over families. He speaks prophetically about new seeds of healing and restoration being planted for the future.
    • Spring 2024 will be a season of new life, where many will look back and see supernatural healing—mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and even physically.
  8. A Call to Consecration:
    • To truly break free, consecrate yourself before the Lord. Fasting, prayer, and walking in the Spirit are necessary. There’s a call to close any doors to the enemy, including unhealthy habits, toxic relationships, and indulgences that keep people in bondage.

Scriptures Mentioned:

  • Philippians 3:10: Knowing Christ in His sufferings and resurrection.
  • 1 Kings 19:11-12: God is not in the earthquake or fire, but in the gentle whisper.
  • Ephesians 6:12: We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces.
  • Matthew 11:28-30: The yoke of Jesus is light.
  • Psalm 46:10: Be still and know that I am God.


  • “Generational trauma isn’t just passed down in behavior, but it’s woven into our DNA. God can break it at the root.”
  • “When God breaks a chain in the spirit, He transforms your DNA. That’s why healing happens both spiritually and physically.”
  • “Some of us think we’re just fighting bad habits, but we’re really fighting strongholds from generations before us.”
  • “You can’t just eat your way to freedom. You can’t just affirm your way to freedom. You have to pray, fast, and intercede.”
  • “Some of you are the Solomon of your family. You are the one called to break the chains for future generations.”
  • “The yoke of the enemy is heavy and burdensome, but the yoke of Christ brings freedom and peace.”


  • “I am a generational chain breaker.”
  • “The stronghold of God is the stronghold of my life.”
  • “God is planting new seeds of healing in my life.”
  • “I am free in Christ, and no stronghold of the enemy will bind me.”

Action Steps:

  1. Pray and fast for breaking generational strongholds. It's not just about physical health or psychology—freedom comes through spiritual warfare.
  2. Repent and seek God’s grace—acknowledge your sins and the sins of past generations. Allow God’s grace to enter your life.
  3. Close demonic portals—whether through relationships, habits, or things you consume (media, substances), close the doors that give the enemy a foothold.
  4. Consecrate yourself—set aside time for God, fast, pray, and dedicate yourself to His will.
  5. Trust in God’s deliverance—believe that the coming season is a time for breakthrough, healing, and restoration in every area of your life.

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