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Sept. 24, 2024

Breaking Through the Wall: Embracing Growth in the Face of Challenges

Breaking Through the Wall: Embracing Growth in the Face of Challenges

There comes a point in life when you’re pushing towards something great, asking God to help you grow, and suddenly, you’re met with a wall—a seemingly insurmountable challenge. It feels like everything you’ve been working for has come to a halt. But here’s the truth: that wall is not there to stop you. It’s there to help you grow, to refine you, and to build within you the strength, faith, and perseverance needed to reach the next level of your life.


I speak on Breaking Through the Wall: Embracing Growth in the Face of Challenges on my recent podcast episode if you would like to take a listen.

The Purpose of the Wall

Every time you ask God for growth, you must understand that growth isn’t always a smooth upward trajectory. Often, it comes with challenges that test who you are, what you’ve learned, and how far you’re willing to push yourself. In those moments, it’s easy to see the wall as an obstacle meant to block your path. But instead, think of it as an opportunity to grow stronger, to stretch yourself beyond your current limits.

Each challenge is like another test of your character and your faith. When faced with a wall, remember that you’ve faced similar trials before, and you’ve come through them. The last wall you overcame helped you get to where you are now, and this wall is simply another step forward in your growth.

Practical Action Steps:

  1. Change Your Perspective: Instead of asking, “Why is this happening to me?” start asking, “What is this challenge here to teach me?”
  2. Face It, Don’t Avoid It: It’s tempting to turn back when you see a wall in front of you. But the only way to overcome it is to face it head-on. Acknowledge the challenge and make a plan to tackle it.
  3. Embrace the Pain: Growth often comes with discomfort. Instead of avoiding the pain, lean into it. Understand that the pain is temporary, but the reward of breakthrough is eternal.

Growth in the Midst of Setbacks

Sometimes, the walls you face seem too high, too strong, or too overwhelming. You may feel like you’ve hit a plateau in your health, relationships, career, or spiritual life. But just because the growth isn’t visible doesn’t mean it’s not happening. Like a tree during winter, you may look bare on the outside, but God is working internally, strengthening your roots, and preparing you for a season of bloom.

There’s a danger in quitting too soon, especially when it feels like nothing is happening. Some of the greatest breakthroughs come after the most intense trials. It’s easy to give up when things don’t go your way, but if you persevere through the tough times, you’ll find that the growth you experience on the other side is far greater than you imagined.

Practical Action Steps:

  1. Focus on What’s Going Right: Instead of dwelling on what’s wrong or lacking, shift your attention to the things that are working for you. Gratitude shifts your mindset from despair to hope.
  2. Keep Moving Forward: Even if it feels like you’re taking small steps, progress is progress. Each step forward brings you closer to your breakthrough.
  3. Embrace the Process: Understand that growth takes time. Don’t rush the process. Trust that God is doing something in you, even if you can’t see the results yet.

Letting Go of the Baggage

One of the key reasons people struggle to overcome the walls in their lives is because they’re carrying too much baggage. Whether it’s resentment, fear, guilt, or shame, these emotional weights hold us back from moving forward. If you want to climb the wall, you must shed the things that weigh you down.

Forgiveness is one of the most powerful ways to lighten your load. By letting go of past hurts, you free yourself to grow. Holding onto resentment or bitterness only keeps you stuck. True growth requires not just letting go but also replacing old behaviors with new ones—behaviors that align with where God is taking you.

Practical Action Steps:

  1. Practice Forgiveness: Take time to forgive those who’ve hurt you, not for their sake, but for your own healing. It’s about freeing your heart from the chains of resentment.
  2. Release the Past: Recognize that you can’t bring the baggage of the past into your future. Let go of the behaviors and attitudes that no longer serve you.
  3. Adopt New Habits: Embrace new ways of responding to challenges. Instead of snapping in anger, respond with kindness. Instead of holding grudges, communicate openly and forgive.

Devotional: Growing Through, Not Just Going Through

As we face the walls in our lives, it’s easy to feel like we’re just going through the motions, enduring pain without purpose. But the truth is, you’re not just going through something—you’re growing through it. Every trial is refining you, making you stronger, building your faith, and preparing you for the next level of your life.

Consider it pure joy whenever you face trials, for these trials produce perseverance. And perseverance, when allowed to finish its work, makes you mature and complete, lacking nothing. When you hit a wall, you’re not at the end of your journey. You’re being prepared for the next step.

Trust that God is with you every step of the way. The walls you face are not there to stop you, but to strengthen you. His grace is sufficient, and His power is made perfect in your weakness. Keep climbing. Keep pushing forward. Your breakthrough is just on the other side of the wall.

Main Takeaways:

  • Every wall you face is an opportunity for growth, not a sign to turn back.
  • The discomfort you feel is part of the refining process, preparing you for the next level.
  • Let go of the emotional baggage that’s weighing you down—resentment, fear, and guilt don’t belong in your future.
  • You’re not just going through something; you’re growing through it. God is using every trial to make you stronger.
  • Focus on what’s going right and trust in God’s provision. He will give you the strength to climb every wall.


Father God, I thank you for your grace, your mercy, and your love. As we face the walls in our lives, remind us that these challenges are not here to break us but to grow us. Help us to let go of the things that weigh us down and give us the strength to climb higher. Grant us the wisdom to focus on your promises, not our problems. May we trust in your provision and have faith that you are with us every step of the way. In Jesus' name, Amen.


Declaration: Affirmations Backed up by the Word of God


  • "I am not going through this, I am growing through this."

    • This declaration shifts the mindset from feeling stuck to embracing growth in the midst of challenges.
  • "God’s grace is sufficient for me, and His strength is made perfect in my weakness."

    • A reminder that God's grace sustains you through your trials, making you strong where you feel weak.
  • "I will not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, I will make my requests known to God."

    • A powerful declaration of trust, turning worries into opportunities for prayer and thanksgiving.
  • "I am breaking through every wall with God’s strength. No obstacle will hold me back from what He has prepared for me."

    • This is a declaration of confidence in God's power to overcome barriers.
  • "I will focus on things that are pure, lovely, admirable, and praiseworthy. My thoughts will be aligned with God’s truth."

    • It’s about renewing the mind, focusing on virtuous thoughts, and rejecting negativity.
  • "I will not quit; I will persevere until I see the breakthrough. God is faithful to complete the work He started in me."

    • This keeps faith alive, even when the process feels long or challenging.
  • "I declare that I am free from the chains of the past. In Christ, I am a new creation, and I will walk in the freedom He has given me."

    • A declaration of freedom from past hurts and habits, embracing the new identity in Christ.
  • "The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, guards my heart and my mind in Christ Jesus."

    • A comforting declaration to guard your heart against worry and stress, claiming divine peace.
  • "I will trust in the Lord with all my heart, and I will not lean on my own understanding. In all my ways, I will acknowledge Him, and He will make my path straight."

    • A declaration of surrender, trusting God's guidance and wisdom above your own.
  • "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. No task is too great, no wall too high for the power of God in me."

    • This reinforces that nothing is impossible when you rely on Christ's strength.
    • "I am not going through this, I am growing through this."

      • This declaration shifts the mindset from feeling stuck to embracing growth in the midst of challenges.
    • "God’s grace is sufficient for me, and His strength is made perfect in my weakness."

      • A reminder that God's grace sustains you through your trials, making you strong where you feel weak.
    • "I will not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, I will make my requests known to God."

      • A powerful declaration of trust, turning worries into opportunities for prayer and thanksgiving.
    • "I am breaking through every wall with God’s strength. No obstacle will hold me back from what He has prepared for me."

      • This is a declaration of confidence in God's power to overcome barriers.
    • "I will focus on things that are pure, lovely, admirable, and praiseworthy. My thoughts will be aligned with God’s truth."

      • It’s about renewing the mind, focusing on virtuous thoughts, and rejecting negativity.
    • "I will not quit; I will persevere until I see the breakthrough. God is faithful to complete the work He started in me."

      • This keeps faith alive, even when the process feels long or challenging.
    • "I declare that I am free from the chains of the past. In Christ, I am a new creation, and I will walk in the freedom He has given me."

      • A declaration of freedom from past hurts and habits, embracing the new identity in Christ.
    • "The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, guards my heart and my mind in Christ Jesus."

      • A comforting declaration to guard your heart against worry and stress, claiming divine peace.
    • "I will trust in the Lord with all my heart, and I will not lean on my own understanding. In all my ways, I will acknowledge Him, and He will make my path straight."

      • A declaration of surrender, trusting God's guidance and wisdom above your own.
    • "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. No task is too great, no wall too high for the power of God in me."

      • This reinforces that nothing is impossible when you rely on Christ's strength.


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