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Oct. 5, 2024

Embracing Kingdom Business: Answering God’s Call in the Marketplace

Embracing Kingdom Business: Answering God’s Call in the Marketplace

In this season, God is calling us to step into Kingdom Business with a renewed focus on aligning our daily activities with His divine purpose. The Kingdom of Heaven is not just something to be thought of as far off in the future, but a reality we can bring forth here on Earth through our businesses, actions, and influence. This is not just about building wealth or securing our earthly success. It’s about embracing our divine assignments and living out the mission that God has set before us.

Kingdom Business means being about our Father’s business, just as Jesus exemplified when He was a child and His parents couldn’t find Him. “Didn’t you know I would be about my Father’s business?” He asked, not in disrespect to His earthly parents, but in recognition of His higher calling. This statement holds true for us today as we strive to prioritize God’s work over worldly pursuits. It’s time we turn our focus from merely surviving in the Kingdom of Man to thriving in the Kingdom of God.

God’s vision for your life is bigger than the temporary goals and desires we set in this world. If we’re honest, many of us have been chasing success, wealth, and recognition. We put all of our energy into building businesses, gaining followers, and making our name known, but in the process, we’ve ignored the very work that God placed in our hearts from the beginning. When you make God’s Kingdom your business, everything else will be added unto you.

When we think about Kingdom Business, it doesn’t mean turning every action or conversation into a sermon. It’s not about putting a price tag on the gospel. It’s about ensuring that while we run our businesses, we prioritize our Father’s business and use the platforms and influence He has given us to serve and bless others. It means speaking life into others, sharing His truth, and being unapologetic in our faith. Whether you’re a barber, hair stylist, teacher, health coach, or entrepreneur, God is calling you to integrate His Kingdom principles into your daily work. This is a call to build up His Kingdom, right where you are.

The Kingdom of Heaven Invades the Marketplace

There’s a divine shift happening in this season—one that will see the marketplace invaded by the Kingdom of God. Many people have left the physical church, but they are still searching for God. As business owners, entrepreneurs, and leaders in various industries, we are in a unique position to minister to those who may never step foot in a church building.

God is raising up a generation of Kingdom-minded individuals who understand that the work doesn’t stop at the church door. We’re called to be the walking, breathing, living temples of God. It’s time for His message to infiltrate every part of society. Imagine walking into a coffee shop for your morning latte and being greeted with Bible verses on the wall. Imagine a restaurant where prayer is a part of the experience, or a clothing line that sparks conversations about faith. God is raising up Kingdom businesses—businesses that serve not only the customer’s earthly needs but their spiritual needs as well.

Prophetic Message: A Call to the Church

This is a prophetic message to the church: it’s time to step out of the four walls and embrace the new wave of ministry that God is releasing. There are unorthodox ways that God is moving and many are missing it because they are trapped in tradition. The message of the Kingdom is meant to be preached to the nations, and God is now using the marketplace to reach souls.

“God has opened up a window for you to get treasures on Earth while you store treasures in Heaven. This is a season where you can serve God and provide for your family at the same time. But you must be about your Father’s business.”

The church has been complacent, focusing only on bringing people into the building rather than sending people out. But God says it’s time for His Kingdom to take over the marketplace. It’s time for believers to take their position and be the salt and light in every sphere of influence.

God is giving some of you skill sets that are meant to be used for Kingdom impact. He is giving you ideas and visions that will disrupt the status quo and bring His message to places that the church building has not been able to reach. Don’t run away from His calling because it doesn’t fit into a traditional mold. The religious will not understand, but God’s appointment is over their opinion. This is about Kingdom Business, and God is looking for laborers who will take His word into the marketplace.

Bringing the Kingdom to Earth

Jesus’ message was simple: “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near” (Matthew 4:17). He wasn’t speaking only about repentance in the sense of turning away from sin, but about turning towards God’s way of doing things—bringing His will to pass on Earth as it is in Heaven. When you align your business with God’s Kingdom, you’re no longer operating under the constraints of this world’s system. You’re operating under a divine mandate, and God will bless the work of your hands.

As you go about your business, remember to keep God at the forefront. Don’t be afraid to share your faith. God says that if you put Him first, He will bless your efforts. Be bold and courageous, knowing that He has already given you authority over every sphere you occupy. Know that your gifts and talents are meant to be used for His glory.

“On the other side of your testimony will be your prosperity. On the other side of your obedience will be your breakthrough.”

As you navigate this journey of Kingdom Business, let God lead you. Seek Him first in everything you do. Consecrate your gifts, your time, and your business unto Him, and watch how He transforms everything. Remember that you are an ambassador of the Kingdom of Heaven, and your work is not just about earthly success—it’s about eternal impact.

Affirmation: I am called to Kingdom Business, and I choose to prioritize God’s work in everything I do. My business is not separate from my faith; it is a platform to glorify God. I embrace my calling and step boldly into the marketplace, knowing that God’s purpose for my life will be fulfilled through my obedience and faithfulness.

Prayer: Father God, I thank You for the calling You have placed on my life. I dedicate my business, my talents, and my work to You. Help me to use everything You have given me to advance Your Kingdom here on Earth. Let my life be a testament of Your goodness and grace. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

Now is the time to rise up and be about your Father’s business. The world is waiting, and so is the harvest. It’s time to step boldly into your calling and watch God work through you in ways you could have never imagined.

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