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Oct. 17, 2024

Flowing Like a River: How to Find Peace in Life’s Storms

Flowing Like a River: How to Find Peace in Life’s Storms

When you think about a river, what comes to mind? Calmness, fluidity, life flowing steadily despite any obstacles. That’s what it means to flow like a river. The river doesn’t stop because there’s a rock in its way; it flows around it. The river doesn’t lose its course when the banks widen; it keeps moving forward. Flowing like a river is the metaphor I want to share with you today—a metaphor for living with peace, even when life throws you off course, or when the storm is crashing all around you.

In life, obstacles are like the dams and debris that block the flow of a river. We face toxic environments, negativity from others, and challenges that try to disrupt our peace. But here’s the truth: when you're connected to God, who is your source, you can keep flowing.

Flowing with God as Your Source

You can’t expect to flow like a river if your source is a stagnant lake or, worse yet, the Dead Sea. A lake may look calm on the surface, but it’s not going anywhere. It collects and holds water, often becoming stagnant. But a river has a source—a continuous flow of living water. That source is God. When you are connected to Abba, the Father, there is no limit to the peace, joy, and love that can flow through your life.

When Jesus met the woman at the well, He told her He could give her living water—water that would make her never thirst again (John 4:14). That living water is available to us. But if we’re only taking in without giving out—if we’re not pouring into others—we become like the Dead Sea. The Dead Sea holds everything and releases nothing, which is why it can’t sustain life.

The Power of Adaptation: Going Around Obstacles

When you flow like a river, you learn to adapt to obstacles. That’s what makes a river so powerful. A rock may fall in its path, but it doesn’t stop the flow. It simply goes around the rock and continues its course. As followers of Christ, we are called to do the same. Life will throw challenges in your way—emotional, mental, spiritual, even physical. But with God as your source, you can flow around them. You can adapt. You can keep going.

Think of the disciples on the boat in the middle of the storm in Matthew 14:22-33. They saw the wind and the waves and panicked, thinking they were going to drown. But Jesus walked on water to meet them, and He called Peter to step out in faith. Peter stepped onto the water, but as soon as he took his eyes off Jesus and focused on the storm, he began to sink. Isn’t that what happens to us? We forget the source. We focus on the obstacle instead of the One who is greater than the storm. Jesus asked Peter, “Why did you doubt?” The same question applies to us. When we doubt, we begin to sink.

Peace That Surpasses Understanding

It’s easy to have peace when everything is going well. But real peace—the kind that surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7)—comes in the midst of the storm. Flowing like a river doesn’t mean life is without waves or rough patches. It means that in the middle of those challenges, you’re anchored in the source, and you can keep flowing.

The peace of God doesn’t mean the absence of trouble; it means the presence of faith. When you remember the promises of God, you can walk on the water of your circumstances without fear. You can navigate life’s obstacles because you know the One who is in control. And when you have that kind of peace, it spreads. Like a river brings life to everything along its banks, your peace brings blessings to those around you.

Joy in Long-Suffering

A river not only adapts and flows, but it also sustains life. Flowing with God means you are bringing life wherever you go. Sometimes, this journey includes long-suffering. We tend to think joy and suffering can’t coexist, but they do. The fruit of the Spirit includes long-suffering and joy together (Galatians 5:22). They are not separate. Joy can exist even in the midst of hardship. That’s the beauty of the Christian walk. You can suffer and still have joy, peace, and love, all because your source is God, not your circumstances.

This is the peace that surpasses understanding. It’s peace in the midst of suffering, joy in the middle of grief, and love when surrounded by hate. It’s the river flowing through you, giving life to those around you.

Flowing Like a River: Action Steps

So how do we start flowing like a river? Here are a few action steps you can take today:

  1. Stay connected to the source: Spend time in God’s Word, pray, and surround yourself with His presence. He is your source of living water.
  2. Adapt and keep flowing: When obstacles come, don’t let them stop you. Instead, learn to go around them. Remember, with God, nothing can block your flow.
  3. Give as you receive: Don’t let your blessings stop with you. Pour into others. Share your testimony, your story, your gifts. The more you give, the more life flows through you.
  4. Trust the process: Even when you don’t understand why you’re facing a challenge, trust that God is using it to grow you. Remember, you’re not going through it; you’re growing through it.

 Affirmations From The Word:

  • “I am connected to the source of living water, and I will not run dry.”
  • “I can flow through every obstacle because God’s power is working in me.”
  • “I find peace in the midst of my storm because I trust in God’s promises.”
  • “I bring life to those around me, flowing with the joy, love, and peace of God.”


Father, thank You for being the source of my peace. Help me to remain connected to You, no matter what obstacles come my way. Teach me to flow like a river, adapting to every challenge and bringing life to those around me. May Your living water flow through me, giving me peace, joy, and strength even in the midst of suffering. Let Your promises be my anchor, and let my faith in You grow stronger each day. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Final Thoughts

Flowing like a river means living with peace, no matter what life throws your way. It means being connected to the source—God—and letting His living water flow through you. When you live this way, you not only find peace for yourself, but you also bring life and blessings to everyone around you. So today, take courage, trust in the promises of God, and let His peace guide you through the storms. You are not going through this alone. You are growing through it. Flow like a river.


Take some time to listen to this episode where I speak about Flowing Like a River

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