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Sept. 22, 2024

The Power of Crying Out for Deliverance: Finding Freedom in Your Vulnerability

The Power of Crying Out for Deliverance: Finding Freedom in Your Vulnerability

Rise up, chosen ones! Today, I want to speak to your heart about something deeply transformative—the power of crying out for deliverance. In a world where we're often told to "handle things ourselves" or "figure it out," there comes a time when the most powerful thing you can do is cry out to God, surrendering your burden to Him.

Yes, we take steps toward healing, but sometimes, we need to remember that we can’t fight every battle on our own. Sometimes, our souls need rest, and it’s in that place of vulnerability that we cry out to the only One who can truly deliver us.

Healing Isn’t Always in Your Hands

I know the culture we live in often says to take healing into your own hands. You’re told to “do the work,” to keep pushing. But there are moments when the weight is too much to bear alone. You can’t always power through, and you don’t have to. There’s great strength in releasing it all to God.

You see, there are things that only He can handle—things in the spirit that we can’t break on our own. That’s where crying out for deliverance comes in. Crying out to God isn’t about weakness. It’s about recognizing that your strength comes from Him. It’s an act of surrender and deep faith.

When we cry out to God, we’re letting go of our pride and acknowledging that while we may be strong, He is stronger. We’re saying, “Lord, I trust You. I need You to do what I cannot.”

Some Emotional Battles Are Spiritual in Nature

You might be stuck in a cycle of fear, anger, or shame and not realize that these aren’t just emotions. They can become spiritual strongholds, weighing you down. Anger is a natural emotion, but when it takes over your life, it’s no longer just an emotion. It becomes a spirit—a spirit that binds you, a spirit that stops you from experiencing the peace and freedom God promises.

In this moment, you don’t just need understanding—you need deliverance. Understanding your anger, fear, or abandonment is only the first step. The next step is crying out to God to break those chains. That’s why no matter how much you try to “work on it,” sometimes the breakthrough comes when you surrender and cry out, “Lord, I need You. Deliver me.”

It’s not just about recognizing that you feel these things. It’s about inviting God into the situation, letting Him do the work that your mind can’t.

A Cry of Faith, Not Despair

I want you to understand this: crying out isn’t a sign that you’ve given up. It’s a sign of faith. It’s acknowledging that God is bigger than your struggle, bigger than your pain, and that He’s ready to step in when you let Him.

There’s power in crying out, not because you’re lost or hopeless, but because you believe in the One who delivers.

Psalms 107:6 tells us, "Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, and He delivered them from their distress." That’s a promise. God hears your cries and delivers. You don’t need to carry the burden alone anymore.

Practical Steps for Crying Out for Deliverance

  1. Be still in God’s presence. Before you cry out, spend some time quieting your heart and mind. Reflect on the areas where you need deliverance. Acknowledge your pain, your fear, or your anger, and bring it to God.

  2. Cry out to God. Whether through words, tears, or even just sitting in His presence, let it all go. Surrender everything that’s holding you back. This isn’t the time to hold back or “stay strong.” Let the tears fall. Let your soul cry out.

  3. Declare God’s promises over your life. Speak life into your situation. Repeat affirmations like, “God is my refuge,” and “I am delivered in the name of Jesus.” Faith-filled declarations shift your focus from your struggles to God’s power.

  4. Trust the process. Sometimes deliverance is immediate, and sometimes it’s a journey. Trust that God is working, even when you can’t see it. Keep coming back to Him, keep crying out, and keep believing.

A Devotion on Crying Out for Deliverance

Scripture: Psalm 107:6 - "Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, and He delivered them from their distress."

In times of deep trouble, it's natural to feel like you need to handle everything on your own. But there comes a point where you realize that the solution isn’t within your strength. It’s in God’s. Crying out to Him in your distress isn’t a sign of defeat; it’s an act of faith. It’s in those moments, when you surrender and cry out, that He hears you. He’s not far away, and He’s not waiting for you to “figure it out.” He’s waiting for you to give it to Him.

Prayer: Lord, in my distress, I cry out to You. I believe that You hear me, and I trust that You will deliver me. I release my fear, my anger, and my pain to You. Break the chains that bind me, and bring me into the freedom that You promise. Amen.

Quotes to Hold Onto

  • "There’s power in crying out, not because you’re lost or hopeless, but because you believe in the One who delivers."
  • "Crying out isn’t a sign that you’ve given up; it’s a sign of faith."
  • "The strong man is not the one who holds his tears back but the one who cries out to the Lord."
  • "When you cry out in faith, you open yourself up for God to move in your life."
  • "Deliverance happens when we stop trying to do everything on our own and allow God to break the chains for us."

Action Steps

  • Identify the areas of your life where you need deliverance. Is it fear? Anger? Shame? Don’t just think about it—pray about it.
  • Spend time in God’s word. Meditate on scriptures that speak of God’s deliverance. Psalms 51 and 107 are great places to start.
  • Make crying out a regular practice. You don’t need to wait for things to get overwhelming before you call on God. Cry out to Him daily, even in moments of peace, thanking Him for what He’s doing.

If you’re looking for a deeper walk with God and want to experience the power of deliverance, listen to the full episode on Ed Talks Daily. Listen here

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