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Oct. 5, 2024

The Source of Vision: Aligning with God’s Purpose for Your Life

The Source of Vision: Aligning with God’s Purpose for Your Life

The journey of discovering vision is not about pursuing personal success or finding fulfillment on our terms—it's about aligning ourselves with God’s divine purpose. Many people think vision comes from their ambitions or dreams they’ve conjured up. But true vision originates from God, who plants it deep within us before we’re even born.


What is Vision?

Vision is more than a mere ambition or a list of goals. Vision is the foresight of something coming into view as if it already exists. It is the ability to see beyond our present circumstances, to operate in faith based on what God has already completed in eternity. Our personal desires and ambitions may guide us in a general direction, but only a vision grounded in God’s eternal purpose can bring lasting fulfillment.

The source of vision comes from understanding that whatever God has purposed for you to achieve, He has also given you the ability to fulfill it. The fact that you were born at this particular time and place is not by accident, but by divine design. God has strategically placed you in this season to manifest His vision through you.

“I was born at the perfect time to serve my gift to the world and for God’s vision to come into fruition through me.”

_ Edouard Gilles


Aligning Your Vision with God’s Purpose

Our biggest obstacle to fulfilling our vision is often our misunderstanding of its source. Many of us mistakenly believe that our vision is what we conjure up from our passions or personal interests. But God’s vision for our lives goes beyond our own desires and ambitions.

God’s plan for our lives is rooted in His eternal purpose, and when we begin to align our personal desires with His vision, we experience a profound shift. The Bible says in Isaiah 14:24, “The Lord Almighty has sworn, ‘Surely as I have planned, so it will be, and as I have purposed, so it will stand.’” This means that no matter what opposition we face, God’s purpose will stand.

If your life feels out of alignment or your dreams seem out of reach, it might be because you’re pursuing your own desires instead of God’s vision for you. The moment your dreams align with God’s purpose, they will become reality, not by your might but by His Spirit.


The Process of Vision: From Interest to Purpose

Vision is not always clear from the start. Often, God begins by placing small seeds of interest within us. These interests can evolve into passions, which then develop into a mission, ultimately revealing our purpose and vision.

Interest ➡️ Passion ➡️ Mission ➡️ Purpose ➡️ Vision

This progression is essential for understanding how God works through our lives. We might begin by being interested in health and wellness, only to find that God is using that interest to lead us into a greater mission of holistic wellness. As we step into that mission, we discover that it’s not just about health—it’s about using our platform to glorify God and lead others to Him.

My journey began with a passion for helping people live healthier lives. I started as a personal trainer and motivational speaker, but God’s vision for ME was much broader. As I surrendered his ambitions to God’s will, I realized that my calling was not just about physical wellness but about spiritual wellness and holistic living grounded in Kingdom principles.

The True Source of Vision: God’s Purpose

The Bible tells us in Psalm 33:11, “The plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of His heart through all generations.” That means that God’s plans for your life have been established long before you took your first breath. He placed a unique calling in you that is destined to manifest in this generation. Our role is to discover, accept, and walk in that calling.

When we understand that vision is not just about us but about God’s purpose flowing through us, everything shifts. This means aligning our lives with God’s divine will, surrendering what we want to do, and embracing what He has called us to do. The reason why many people struggle with feeling unfulfilled is that they are chasing personal goals instead of embracing God’s plans for their lives.

I learned this firsthand. My mission started as a desire to motivate, inspire, and help others live a holistic lifestyle. But as I walked with God, He began to expand that vision, showing me that my purpose wasn’t just to uplift people’s health but to lead His people in the holistic wellness industry into Kingdom purpose. He called me to empower a remnant, raising them to be harvesters in the Kingdom. This realization shifted my entire perspective because I knew it wasn’t just about helping people get healthier—it was about ushering in God’s presence wherever I went.

Aligning Your Vision with God’s Plan

Proverbs 19:21 says, “Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.” This verse reminds us that no matter what personal plans we may have, only God’s purpose will stand the test of time. So why not align our plans with His purpose?

There was a time in my life when I thought I had everything figured out. I was a personal trainer, a wellness coach, and a budding motivational speaker. But despite all my efforts, things just weren’t working. I was frustrated because, in my mind, I was doing everything right. It wasn’t until God met me in my lowest state—when I was sitting in my car, struggling, smoking a roach, and drinking a spiked lemonade—that He revealed something to me.

He said, “Son, I’ve got great things to do through you, but I cannot do them in this state.” Those words hit me hard. I realized I had been operating in my own strength, pursuing my goals, not God’s. God asked me to change my state, to repent and put His name in everything I did. It took years of struggling and relapsing, but eventually, I surrendered fully to Him. When I did that, everything changed. My business, my following, and my impact grew exponentially, but it was no longer about the numbers. It was about God’s hand on my life and His purpose being fulfilled through me.

The Role of Purpose, Vision, and Corporate Vision

The journey to uncovering your vision involves understanding that your interests and passions are only the beginning. Interest leads to passion, passion leads to a mission, and the mission reveals your purpose. Once you discover your purpose, it leads to your vision. This process isn’t just about pursuing personal fulfillment; it’s about embracing a divine assignment.

What God showed me is that my personal vision was always a part of a larger corporate vision. God places us within communities, tribes, and groups because our individual callings are meant to complement and support a greater mission. You’re not called to do this alone. There is a larger vision that God wants to accomplish, and He’s calling His people to come together to fulfill it.

When you join a corporate vision like the Holistic Lifestyle Tribe, you’re not just becoming part of another group. You’re stepping into a movement where your unique gifts and vision are nurtured, expanded, and activated. The Holistic Lifestyle Tribe isn’t just about health or wellness; it’s about being equipped and empowered to go out into the world and shine God’s light in every sphere—be it in business, ministry, or daily interactions.


Vision and the Holistic Lifestyle Tribe

The Holistic Lifestyle Tribe has always been more than just a group focused on health and wellness. It’s a movement that God has appointed to bring holistic healing, spiritual growth, and Kingdom purpose to those who are seeking deeper meaning in their lives. My mission is to empower, educate, and activate individuals to step into their divine assignments, becoming leaders and harvesters in God’s Kingdom.

The vision is to create a space where holistic wellness is integrated with the Word of God, helping people achieve balance and wholeness in mind, body, and spirit. We are here to equip the remnant, to build up God’s people, and to deploy them into the marketplace, not just to be successful in business but to be ambassadors of Christ wherever they go.

If you'd like to be part of the ministry and holistic health coaching program, click here and sign up.

Prophetic Call to the Church: A New Generation of Kingdom Entrepreneurs

God is raising a generation of Kingdom entrepreneurs, wellness leaders, and ministers who understand that the marketplace is the new mission field. We’re not limited to preaching within the four walls of a church. The world needs healing, and God’s vision is to infiltrate every industry, every marketplace, and every community.

God is calling us to merge our professional skills with our spiritual callings. He’s appointing us to take His message into every corner of society. This is a prophetic call to the church: it’s time to stand up, step out, and allow God to use us as vessels to build His Kingdom. If you’re in business, make Kingdom Business your priority. If you’re a coach, coach for the Kingdom. If you’re an artist, create for the Kingdom. Whatever your profession, let your work become your ministry.


  • I was born at the perfect time to serve my gift to the world and fulfill God’s purpose for my life.
  • I am a vessel for God’s divine purpose, and His eternal plans are being fulfilled through me.
  • I surrender my plans and embrace God’s vision for my life.
  • I align my life with God’s purpose, knowing that His plans are far greater than my own.


Father God, I thank You for the vision and purpose You have placed within me. Help me to see beyond my own desires and align my life with Your will. Lead me in the direction You want me to go, and give me the strength to say “Yes” to Your call. May I walk boldly in the vision You have set for me, knowing that You have already completed it in eternity. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Action Steps

  1. Reflect and Seek: Spend time reflecting on your passions and interests. Ask God to show you how these can be aligned with His purpose.
  2. Write It Down: Write down the ideas, visions, and passions that are recurring in your heart. Make them plain and pray over them.
  3. Pray for Alignment: Ask God to align your plans with His purpose. Pray for discernment to see where you might be going off track.
  4. Join a Community or Tribe: Connect with others who share a similar vision. Whether it’s the Holistic Lifestyle Tribe or another group, find people who can support, nurture, and help activate your vision.
  5. Step Out in Faith: Take a leap of faith and begin acting on what God has placed in your heart. It could be starting a new project, reaching out to someone for mentorship, or simply dedicating time to prayer and study.

Remember, you were created for a purpose that only you can fulfill. God’s vision for your life is greater than anything you could imagine—embrace it, and let’s build His Kingdom together.

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