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Oct. 8, 2024

Unleashing the Vision God Placed Inside You

Unleashing the Vision God Placed Inside You

“Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.” — Proverbs 29:18 (KJV)

Stirring Up Your Vision

What happens when you feel like you’re just going through the motions—waking up, heading to work, and going to bed with no sense of excitement or purpose? There’s something deep inside of you, nudging you to step into more, but fear, circumstances, or doubt has kept you in the same place. I want to remind you today that what’s nudging you is more than a fleeting desire; it’s the vision God has planted within you.

Your vision is not some lofty dream or mere ambition. It’s a glimpse of eternity that God placed in time, waiting for you to align with His purpose and bring it to life. I know what it feels like to have something inside of you stirring and yearning to be expressed, but it feels trapped under layers of doubt, confusion, or complacency. I was there too.

When I was going through a dark period in my life—losing everything I’d built and finding myself homeless—I couldn’t understand why things were falling apart. But God used that time to birth something within me. I started listening to speakers like Jim Rohn and Dr. Myles Munroe, who helped me realize that my setbacks were setups for a greater purpose. They reignited a fire in me, and I realized that God had allowed my circumstances to refine and mold me for what was coming next. The vision was there all along; it just took being stripped of my comfort and ego for it to be revealed.

And that’s how God works in each of us. He uses our suffering to show us the light within. He takes our mess and turns it into a message. If you’re feeling stuck or lost, trust that God is using this season to draw out your vision. The discomfort you’re feeling is not a curse; it’s a divine irritation pushing you into action.

Why Vision Matters

When you don’t have a clear vision for your life, it’s easy to get distracted by non-essential things. Dr. Myles Munroe says that people without a vision will lack discipline. Without a guiding purpose, we drift through life with no aim. That’s why you might feel like you’re stuck in a cycle, going from job to job, project to project, but never truly feeling fulfilled. Your soul is longing for more because it knows you were created for more.

Remember Nehemiah? He was a cupbearer for the king, living comfortably with a prestigious job. But when he heard that the walls of Jerusalem were broken down, he was moved with grief and passion. He knew that God was calling him to do more than just serve the king; he was called to rebuild his people’s city. Nehemiah’s comfortable position became a stepping stone to his greater vision.

Sometimes, we get stuck in jobs or roles that are simply preparation for something more. God may have placed you in your current position to develop skills, build relationships, or gain wisdom. But don’t mistake your job for your vision. Your job is what you do temporarily; your vision is what you’re called to do eternally.

Vision is Future-Focused

God’s vision for your life will always stretch you beyond your current circumstances. It’s not about reliving the good old days or trying to regain what you once had. It’s about moving forward into a future that hasn’t existed yet. It’s easy to get caught up in past memories and think, “If only I could go back to that time.” But God isn’t looking to replicate your past—He’s calling you to something new.

You might be holding onto the memory of when things were “better,” or perhaps you’re stuck on what you used to be good at. I remember when I was a personal trainer, and I missed those days of training people on the beach, being in peak physical shape. But God revealed to me that my time as a trainer was just preparation for the holistic ministry He was calling me into. He was taking my passion for health and merging it with His vision for spiritual wellness.

What are you holding onto that’s preventing you from seeing what God is doing now? Is there a past success or role you’re clinging to? Don’t let it keep you from stepping into the new thing God is doing.

Action Steps to Activate Your Vision

  1. Identify What’s Bothering You: Take time to reflect on what’s been irritating your spirit. What’s that one thing that keeps coming back to your mind, no matter how much you try to ignore it? Write it down and pray over it.

  2. Seek God’s Direction: Your vision isn’t cultivated by you; it’s given to you by God. Set aside time for fasting and prayer, asking Him to reveal what He’s calling you to do.

  3. Break Free from Distractions: Once you have a clear vision, eliminate distractions. Whether it’s time-wasting activities, toxic relationships, or misplaced priorities, anything that doesn’t align with your vision needs to go.

  4. Surround Yourself with Visionaries: Get around people who are also driven by a clear vision. Their passion will ignite yours. They will push you to go further and deeper into what God is calling you to do.

  5. Take Action: Don’t wait until everything is perfect. Take one small step each day toward your vision. If it’s starting a business, create a business plan. If it’s a ministry, begin by serving in your community.


“I am called and equipped by God to fulfill a unique vision. I release the limitations of my past and embrace the future that God has prepared for me. I am a solution to the problems of my generation, and I step forward with confidence, knowing that my vision will impact lives and glorify God.”


Heavenly Father, I thank You for the vision You’ve placed within me. I ask for clarity and courage to step into what You’ve called me to do. Remove every distraction and fear that has held me back, and help me to see beyond my current circumstances. Guide my steps and align my will with Yours. Let Your vision unfold in my life as I trust in Your timing and Your plans. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Let this be a reminder to you: don’t settle for what’s convenient. Seek what’s divinely designed for you. God has a specific assignment for your life, and as you keep taking steps toward it, He will keep providing the strength, direction, and resources you need. Now, rise up, trust God’s voice, and let your vision become a reality.

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