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Sept. 27, 2024

Unlocking Kingdom Business: Moving with God for Supernatural Breakthrough

Unlocking Kingdom Business: Moving with God for Supernatural Breakthrough

In today’s fast-paced world, faith-based entrepreneurs and those in healing professions often face a unique set of challenges. Balancing the calling to serve people while also aligning with God's purpose can seem overwhelming. Many hesitate to incorporate God fully into their work, fearing rejection or uncertainty. But what if this is the very moment God is calling you to step out in faith and move with Him? What if your business, profession, or gift was meant to serve a much greater purpose in the Kingdom of God?

This message is for those who feel called to Kingdom Business, those who know they’ve been given a God-given gift but have hesitated to fully embrace it. Now is the time to move with God and witness supernatural breakthrough in your profession and personal life. Based on a powerful prophetic message, here’s how you can align with God’s will and experience His supernatural promotion in your business.

1. Recognize the Season of Expedited Growth

God is moving quickly in this season, and as a faith-based entrepreneur or healer, it’s crucial to recognize the season of expedited growth. The world may feel like it’s moving at a rapid pace, but God moves even faster because He exists outside of time. This is the moment where God is calling you to move with Him—no more waiting, doubting, or hesitating.

In the words of the message:
"God is moving fast, and He’s moving with those who want to move with Him. This is a season of expedited growth and movement."

For business owners, this might mean taking bold steps forward, trusting that God will provide the resources and courage you need. Processes that used to take years could happen in mere months because God is expediting His work through you. What used to feel impossible now becomes a supernatural reality.

2. Rebuke Fear and Walk in Authority

As you prepare to move with God, you will encounter resistance. The enemy will try to sow doubt and fear, convincing you that you’re not good enough or that people won’t accept your faith-based approach. But here’s the truth: you have been given spiritual authority. It’s time to rebuke the enemy in the name of Jesus and stand firm in your calling.

"The enemy is refuting, but God has already won."
"You’ve got to rebuke the enemy in the name of Jesus because he can’t stop what God is moving."

Fear is one of the most common tactics the enemy uses to keep us from stepping into our God-given purpose. But when you walk in the authority of Christ, no weapon formed against you will prosper (Isaiah 54:17). This is your heritage as a servant of the Lord.

Whether you’re a business owner, healer, or entrepreneur, it’s time to stand up boldly in your profession, knowing that God is equipping you to succeed—not just for yourself, but for His Kingdom.

3. Be an Anomaly in Your Industry

Incorporating God into your business isn’t just acceptable—it’s essential. In fact, God has called you to be an anomaly in your industry. You’re not meant to blend in with worldly standards. You’re meant to stand out as a light in the darkness, showing the world a different way of doing business—Kingdom Business.

"You are called to be an anomaly in your industry. Your business isn’t just about profit; it’s about sowing seeds for the Kingdom."

Imagine running a business where Kingdom values are at the core of every decision you make. You’re not just here to make money—you’re here to transform lives, serve your community, and spread the message of God’s love. The more you integrate God into your business, the more people will see the light of Christ shining through you.

Even those who oppose you will unknowingly help grow your business, because when you operate under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, all things work together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).

4. Use Your Gift for God’s Kingdom

One of the most significant realizations you must have as a Kingdom Business owner or healer is that your gift is from God. It was never meant to sit on a shelf or be hidden out of fear. God gave you this gift to fulfill His will on Earth as it is in heaven. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, healer, teacher, or leader, your gift is designed to serve His Kingdom.

"God didn’t give you a gift to showcase it—He gave you a gift so His will can be done on Earth as it is in Heaven."

Too many people hold back, thinking they’re not good enough or that they need more preparation before using their gifts. But God has already equipped you with everything you need. The more you align with His purpose, the more you will see supernatural breakthroughs in your profession.

For those in healing professions, this might mean integrating prayer or faith-based counsel into your practice. For entrepreneurs, it could be incorporating faith-based principles into your business model. When you use your gifts for God's Kingdom, you’ll see supernatural promotion that surpasses your expectations.

5. Align with God’s Plan and Watch for Breakthrough

As you align your business or profession with God’s purpose, you’ll begin to see breakthroughs that go beyond what you imagined. God’s hand will move in ways you can’t predict, and processes you’ve been struggling with for years will suddenly begin to shift. When you put God at the center of your work, He blesses your efforts.

"God is going to break through things you’ve been struggling with for years. His hand will be on your life, and you’ll see supernatural acceleration."

The key is to stay in faith, hope, and love. These are the foundational principles that will guide your business decisions and help you stay grounded in God’s purpose. When fear or doubt arises, remember that God’s love casts out all fear (1 John 4:18). When obstacles come your way, trust that God is moving, and He will lead you through.

Conclusion: Step into Your Kingdom Business Calling

Now is the time to fully step into your calling as a faith-based entrepreneur or healer. God is moving swiftly in this season, and He’s calling you to move with Him. You have been given the authority, the gifts, and the divine favor to make a significant impact—not just for yourself but for His Kingdom.

Kingdom Business isn’t just about profit or success. It’s about transforming lives, serving others, and using your God-given gifts to fulfill His purpose on Earth. The more you align with God’s plan, the more you will see supernatural breakthroughs and promotion in your profession.

So take this as your call to action: Move with God. Step into your calling. Watch as He accelerates your journey and brings Kingdom impact through your life and work.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Move in sync with God during this season of supernatural acceleration.
  2. Rebuke fear and doubt—you have been given spiritual authority.
  3. Be bold and stand out in your industry—you are called to be an anomaly.
  4. Use your gifts to fulfill God’s will and impact His Kingdom.
  5. Stay in faith, hope, and love, trusting that God will bring breakthrough and promotion.

Call to Action:

For more insights on how to move with God in your business and profession, listen to the full episode here

Discover how to unlock your full potential as a Kingdom Business owner by aligning your life and work with God’s plan. Watch as He moves powerfully through your life and business. God is moving—will you move with Him?

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