Letting God fuel your Journey to Authentic Love is about learning what Love is about directly from the source rather than your personal life experience. When God is your source of pure unconditional Love, you learn how to lov...
Letting God fuel your inner child healing is learning to let go of your past identity and grab unto your identity in christ. It is a process of surrender, seeing yourself as God sees you and not how the world sees you. ---- S...
Grand Rising and Priming Powerful Beings! Welcome to Rise and Prime where Ed shares why the limiting emotional states are a gateway to growth and enlightenment. If you are looking for a support system to help you grow, The Ho...
If you are bounded by the hip with your pain and suffer the consequence of holding on to your vices and false identities, you'll continue to suffer. Listen to this episode if you feel as if the time has come to divorce your p...
Don't believe the hype that your pain is swaying you to! You have the power to heal and you don't have to continue to suffer. The power to heal is within you when you start adopting a holistic lifestyle and take control of yo...
This episode is for people who feel like they are living in the past. If this is you and you want to live more presently, click play and tap in. Join us for Rise and Prime : http://riseandprime.co Text Me for daily inspiratio...
Stop shaming yourself, running away from yourself and beating yourself up when you are the one you need the most. Be there for you during this season, you need you! Join us for Rise and Prime : http://riseandprime.co Text Me ...
There are limiting emotional states and empowering emotional state. Joy lies in one and fear lies in the other. Whether or not you choose house limiting emotional states or transmute them is up to you. Take a listen to tap in...
Observing your pain is about introspection, identifying with your pain is retrospection that leads to condemnation that you will always stay in the past. Be an observer of your pain and stop identifying with it! Tap in here f...
Healing is not a linear process and it's not easy. When you think you've fully healed, you are just growing through the process of healing. The restoration of balance does not mean you will never get out balance, it just mean...
A long period of unease can cause disease. If you're doing everything with unease and unsettledness, you are causing chaos in your body. To settle energy and live with ease, get back in the present. Tap in to this episode for...
Both heaven and hell is a state of mind based on how you tend to the garden of your life. Choose the fruit of knowledge and create heaven within you by not giving in to evil! Tap in to learn the secrets to creating a heavenly...
Healing is not a linear process but there's a sequence to healing that has to do with self-alignment. When you align your emotions to clear the creak, you allow your energy to flow freely from one energy center to another. Ta...
The reason why it is so hard to resolve internal conflicts is because they are bonded to traumas. When we can see the bond and start to break it, we can start to heal by breaking the bond between trauma and internal conflicts...
We are often playing our lives based on the scripts of the past and unless we identify and rewrite the subconscious programming pulling us back, we will keep getting the result that we don't want. By listening, you will learn...