Ed Talks Daily is now releasing new episodes daily along with articles, devotionals and much more!

Growing Through The Pain Episodes

Nov. 28, 2022

#336 Pay for success with Sweat Equity

Success is not free, it is paid with blood, sweat and tears. Your pain is actually in investment into your success and your wisdom is simply the result of failure and self-imposed suffering . Watch listen to learn how to pay ...

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Nov. 7, 2022

Dark night of the soul to enlightenment | Rise and Prime #5

Grand Rising and Priming Powerful Beings! Welcome to Rise and Prime where Ed shares why the limiting emotional states are a gateway to growth and enlightenment. If you are looking for a support system to help you grow, The Ho...

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Aug. 13, 2022

#319 Divorcing your pain

If you are bounded by the hip with your pain and suffer the consequence of holding on to your vices and false identities, you'll continue to suffer. Listen to this episode if you feel as if the time has come to divorce your p...

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Feb. 3, 2022

#261 How to look at your pain as a opportunity to grow

Do you know that even the weapons that seem to formed against you are working for your evolution? Are you growing through to some tough times, challenges or frustrations and don't know what will come out of it? If you are tir...

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June 2, 2021

Observing the pain without becoming it

Observing your pain is about introspection, identifying with your pain is retrospection that leads to condemnation that you will always stay in the past. Be an observer of your pain and stop identifying with it! Tap in here f...

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May 9, 2021

Letting go of doubt and the fear of not being good enough

Doubt, fear and indecision are robbers of living a happy and fulfilling life. Learning how to let them go can be very relieving if done correctly. I invite you to release the doubt, fear and indecision so you can grow with co...

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Feb. 2, 2021

#165 Ed Talks How to Grow through the pain

Your pain is not there to hurt you but to tell you that something is unbalanced and order needs to be restored. If you listen to your pain, you can use it as a source of growth rather than a source of suffering. Join The Trib...

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Feb. 2, 2021

#164 Ed Talks the breathing solution to pain and lack of energy

Are you enduring pain, stress and lack energy to get things done? Would you like to revitalize your body with a simple action that you automatically do anyways? What if you can learn how to breathe with intention and reduce ...

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Jan. 27, 2021

#163 Ed Talks Why exercise can reduce pain and increase your energy

A lot of times we depend on external things like drugs or a vice to reduce our pain and increase our energy. What if there was a way you can reduce pain and increase your energy with your own body? There is. Tap in to this ep...

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Jan. 25, 2021

#162 Ed Talks Starting the Process of healing Sexual Traumas

Whether you are conscious of it or not, your life is running in cycles. The current cycle maybe a repeat of a past cycle and to change your current circumstance, you have to heal from the past circumstances. Tap in as I talk...

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Jan. 23, 2021

#161 Ed Talks Letting the pain communicate to you

Pain is an indicator that something is out of balance and a realignment is needed. Tap in to learn how to let pain communicate to you! Join The Tribe : https://www.holisticlifestyletribe.com Get a FREE Audiobook from Audibl e...

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