Ed Talks Daily is now releasing new episodes daily along with articles, devotionals and much more!

Thriving Mentally Through The Holidays Episodes

Dec. 31, 2022

#347 Breaking Trauma Cycles this Holiday Season

What are the cycles that have been keeping you bounded by the traumas of your past and will you choose them or healing? Choose healing in this season by breaking the cycles of trauma holding you back. Choose joy and love in t...

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Nov. 7, 2022

Dark night of the soul to enlightenment | Rise and Prime #5

Grand Rising and Priming Powerful Beings! Welcome to Rise and Prime where Ed shares why the limiting emotional states are a gateway to growth and enlightenment. If you are looking for a support system to help you grow, The Ho...

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Nov. 23, 2021

A season of healing and loving during the holidays

If you are intentional about how you want to season to transpire , you can take certain actions to be more loving and open for healing to happen. This episode is about letting go of the past emotional baggage that carries int...

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Feb. 6, 2021

#166 Ed Talks The Mental Pandemic

The mental pandemic is a crisis happening when the mind is constantly running, the body is on the verge of sickness and the soul feels lost. Although we are growing through a global pandemic, it's important to see how your mi...

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Dec. 28, 2020

#160.3 Ed Talks Setting Your New Year Goals Now

Are you waiting for the first to set your 2021 goals? Why not start now? What's stopping you from jumpstarting your goals today? In this episode, Ed Talks about setting your New Year Goals Now! Join the Holistic Lifestyle Tri...

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Dec. 26, 2020

#160.2 Ed Talks Give The Gift of You

The most important gift you can give this "holiday" season is the gift of you. You are the gift and your presence, essence is worth far more than any material object or possessions. Join the Holistic Lifestyle Tribe : www.ho...

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Dec. 24, 2020

Seasonal Depression and Holiday Blues

Seasonal affective disorder ( SAD ) is a type of depression that's related to changes in seasons — SAD begins and ends at about the same times every year. If you're like most people with SAD , your symptoms start in the fall ...

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