Are you having trouble being productive because you are constantly distracted by your environment? Are there too much stuff around you and you find yourself overwhelmed of your space? Take some time to listen to this podcast ...
Are you having trouble managing your time? Do you find it hard to stay on track with your schedule and choosing what's important or not ? Tap in to this episode for the fundamentals of time management. Watch Episode 217 Inste...
Do you feel scattered and unproductive? Are your plans falling through the crack because of the lack of plan and organization? Tap in to this episode on planning and organizing your life. Watch Episode 216 Instead -- Join us ...
Learn how to set up November so you can overcome some of the current challenges you are facing in your life. Take a listen! Sign up for Weekend Qigong Meditation Class: Visit us online by going to Edtalk...
Would you like to know to set up your week for success? Do you set affirmations, goals, objectives, and envision how you want your week to go? Learn how to this by listening to this podcast. Share some love and gratitude by s...
What do you do at the end of each week to set up for the upcoming week? Do you review the week or just move on to the next week? Do you know your experience and lessons each week? This podcast shares the importance of journal...
How do you build the habits that are building you? You have to place cues that lead to effective routines and reward yourself for doing so. Take a listen if you want to better your time management skills and build an effectiv...
Do you struggle with managing your time? Would you like to learn some tips and acquire the mindset that will help you do and be? Listen to this podcast. Please become a supporter of my personal development podcast so that I c...
Have you thought about journaling but haven't got around to it because you don't know where to start? Take a listen and hear how to wake up with an intention that leads to focused attention, specified action, and delegation. ...