If you want to decide where you want to go, it is wise to renew your mind by visualizing the life you want, planning, and setting goals. You have to see what you want before you have it and that's how you get it! Listen to th...
A man or woman without a vision will perish. By having having a vision backed up by a mission and empowered through a positive self-image, you will manifest and meaningful and abundant life. Tap in to this episode of Ed Talk...
What you see in your mind's eye is what you will eventuality see in the material world. When what you see in your mind's eye is just as real as the physical world, you've became a creator! Tap in to learn how your vision crea...
Your vision statement can serve as a magnet to pull you forward but that's if only if you image in the picture of your future in the arena of your mind. Do so by writing down a vision statement. Listen for more! Write down yo...