Ed Talks Daily is now releasing new episodes daily along with articles, devotionals and much more!

Season 14

April 11, 2023

#359 The difference between isolation and loneliness

Isolation is not loneliness, it’s a process of reveal-ation where God separates you so you can recognize your true essence. Sometimes when you think you are lonely, you are actually all one with the one so you can find out yo...

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April 6, 2023

#358 Expansion, Growth and Advancement

Expansion, growth and Advancement is yours when you receive what God puts in your spirit, conceive and deliver it to the world. You are pregnant with gifts and visions and it's time to give birth. Your promotion is on the oth...

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April 1, 2023

#357 Relinquish your ego

Because God is doing so much through you and is stepping into your being, you are putting yourself on the pedestal. Humble yourself and know none of this is about you, you are a conduit that this is being done through. Listen...

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March 29, 2023

#356 Receive, Conceive, Deliver

Explore how to use the gift that you receive from God to conceive the creation of your gifting and deliver it to the world . Listen to this episode if you have a calling that you have been ignoring for a long time and now you...

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March 28, 2023

#355 Giving up physical pleasures for a spiritual purpose

Giving up physical pleasures for a spiritual purpose is being led by the spirit and less by the body. It's fasting and then staying steadfast in the shifts you decided to make. Listen if you know there's more fruit in your sp...

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Dec. 15, 2022

#342 Be a healer, not a pleaser

Pleasing a pseudo-love style we learned as children to cope and survive in an environment that required us to reach our guardians unrealistic expectations and if you don't heal from it, it will be part of your character as an...

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Dec. 14, 2022

#341 The power of being intentional about your routine

There is a power in waking up every day and checking on yourself, moving mindfully, growing holistically and affirming positivity into your life! Listen to this episode about the power of being intentional about your routine....

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Dec. 11, 2022

#338 Finding out what drives your bus

Finding out what drives your bus is about discovering whether you’re led by the spirit, body or your soul. Listen to this episode if you are constantly pulled by things outside of you and want to be on the driver seat of your...

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Dec. 9, 2022

#337 Preparing for winter by letting toxins fall by the wayside

Preparing for winter with fall juice feast is about understanding that each season is an opportunity for a reset and when we take advantage of that, we are able to keep ourselves moving forward with constructive holistic habi...

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Nov. 15, 2022

#335 No weapons formed against you shall prosper

Once you know that God is on your side, you also know that no weapons formed against you shall prosper. This episode is for those who feel as if they have been dealing with spiritual attacks and need a word of motivation to f...

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Nov. 10, 2022

#334 Fight for your standards

If you fight for your limitations, you get to keep them. If you fight for your standards, you get to reach them. Listen to this episode if you feel as if there are certain standards and values you are not reaching and would l...

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Nov. 7, 2022

#333 Getting back to enjoying your life

Getting back to your enjoying your life starts with prioritizing you and not just working without ceasing. Getting back to your fun is about doing things that make you happy and living it up! Listen for more! --->>> Get Your ...

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Nov. 4, 2022

#332 Getting back to your routine

Get back to the routine where you are at your best by being intentional in how you want to live in this next cycle. This episode shares motivation that will help you get back on track with holistic lifestyle habits and routin...

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Oct. 25, 2022

#331 Creating your life the way you want it

Creating your life the way you want starts with knowing that you are the chief executive officer of your own life and you have the power to choose how you are going to style it. Listen if you feel like your life has been outs...

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Oct. 4, 2022

#330 Shedding off dead leaves and shifting out of stagnation

Shedding off dead leaves is about letting things that no longer serve you and shifting out of stagnation is about clearing up anything backed up or things that hold you stuck. Listen to this episode of Ed Talks if you know yo...

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