On Today's Episode of Get Right with Flex, Edouard gives you healthy Eating Tips.
Do you want to lose weight, Look good and get in the best shape of your life? In this video, I let you know the top tips to better your nutrition and change for the better. Here are my top tips as listed below:
Stay close to nature: The farther you go away from nature, the harder it is to eat right. Add in more greens every day and it will soon take over. Try to keep 70% of your diet vegetable- based.
No FAST FOOD, Limit how often you eat out: If you want to make a drastic change and remain healthy, you cannot eat FAST FOODS. One night out can be detrimental to your goals, so try not to eat out every day or every weekend, Stay in, cook.
Cut Out the Fats and Oils: It’s not just the calories that matter, the FATs in your foods play a bigger role. Make sure the foods you eat are more lean and have less than 15% of fat in your foods.
Boost Up your Metabolism by eating more meals (4-6 Meals). Starving yourself is not the best way to lose weight or tone up because it actually slows up your metabolism.
Detox before you get into the Healthy Eating Lifestyle.
Don’t go on a diet, Make a lifestyle Change. Diets don’t work because they are too extreme. Being aware and making the right food choices is more effective.
Don’t eat on Emotion: Find out what emotions trigger your binge eating and create plans to avoid eating when you are highly emotional.
Watch the condiments: A healthy food can lose its “Healthy” Aspect if you place unhealthy condiments on it like heavy salad dressing, excessive cheese and other toppings that are fatty.
Enjoy what you eat: Don’t make healthy eating too bland, find healthy alternatives that taste good so that you are not stuck eating the same thing over and over and losing motivation.
Have a plan, Meal Prep: Plan out what you’re going to eat so that you have an overview of what you want each week. You don’t have to meal prep for a whole week, you can do it for 2-3 days and done another one mid-week, switching it up all the time. Variety is key.
Have balanced Meals: Your meals should have more than Carbs, it should have a balanced portion of protein and even some healthy fats.
Eat Before Shopping: When you are hungry, all the unhealthy foods look extra tasty. So avoid shopping on empty stomach so you can make the right choices.
See article online:https://www.flex-fp.com/single-post/2017/01/13/Dont-Give-Up-On-Nutrition-Reroute
Tips By
Edouard Gilles
Personal Trainer at Flex FP
Boca Raton 561-927-6725