Letting God Fuel Your Subconscious Mind

In this enlightening episode, we delve deep into the intricate workings of the subconscious mind and its profound influence on our behaviors, emotions, and decisions. Drawing inspiration from Proverbs 23:7, "For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he," we explore how our deeply ingrained beliefs and patterns, often unbeknownst to our conscious self, shape our reality. We'll discuss the transformative power of positive autosuggestion and heterosuggestion, tools that can help rewire our subconscious scripts. Join us as we bridge the gap between scripture and psychology, offering insights and practical steps to harness the potential of the subconscious and align it with God's unconditional love. Whether you're seeking personal growth, healthier relationships, or a deeper spiritual connection, this episode promises to be a transformative journey.